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The entries are in alphabetical order by magazine name and then in chronological sequence.
To obtain a copy of any magazine article contact your local public library or the publisher.


Using bead tips to string jewelry.
BEAD & BUTTON #12 Dec 1995 pg. 4

Making wrapped loops.
BEAD & BUTTON #13 Feb 1996 pg. 26

Combine the colors and styles of Indian decals with Native American Sioux beading to make unique jewelry.
CERAMICS Jan 1994 (v.30#5) pg. 58

Children's jewelry (necklace, bracelet, etc.) are made from plastic beads in the shape of animals, hearts, fish, etc.
CRAFTS Mar 1995 (v.18#3) pg. 76

How to make wire jewelry with bead accents.
DECORATING & CRAFT IDEAS Sep 1975 (v.5#10) pg. 22

Bead jewelry design. Suggestions for beginners on how to select and combine quality beads.
LAPIDARY JOURNAL Oct 1994 (v.48#7) pg. 128

Tassels made of gemstone beads can be used for earrings, necklaces, etc. A beginner's beading project.
LAPIDARY JOURNAL Nov 1994 (v.48#8) pg. 98

Using contemporary glass beads. Suggestions on design approaches for various pieces of jewelry.
LAPIDARY JOURNAL Oct 1996 (v.50#7) pg. 154

Freeform seed bead edging for a cabochon or brooch. A beginner project.
LAPIDARY JOURNAL Mar 1999 (v.52#12) pg. 101

Making jewelry from tubes of peyote-stitched beads. A bead weaving technique for beginners. Part 1. Beading the rectangles which will be made into tubes.
LAPIDARY JOURNAL Jun 1999 (v.53#3) pg. 63

Making jewelry from tubes of peyote-stitched beads. Part 2. Making the tubes and working them into jewelry.
LAPIDARY JOURNAL Jul 1999 (v.53#4) pg. 83

Using art glass beads in jewelry. Tips for jewelry designers. Part 1. Perspectives in design.
LAPIDARY JOURNAL Oct 1999 (v.53#7) pg. 112

Using art glass beads in jewelry. Part 2. Strength in simplicity.
LAPIDARY JOURNAL Nov 1999 (v.53#8) pg. 70

Using art glass beads in jewelry. Part 3. Designs that create a more complex narrative, using embellishment as a stage for the centerpiece.
LAPIDARY JOURNAL Dec 1999 (v.53#9) pg. 81

Embroidering jewelry on the sewing machine. Using water-soluble stabilizer to create three-dimensional shapes from thread and beads. Insert shows machine-couching techniques to secure seed and bugle beads.
THREADS #56 Dec 1994-Jan 1995 pg. 70